Privé Coaching

Private Coaching


Deep inner 1:1 work

is a proven path to living your highest potential, finding success in every area of your life, and becoming truly happy. Here’s how you can walk this path with me as your guide…


MANKRACHT Private Coaching Immersion

Be the strong role model you wish your father had been for you
“I wish I had the confidence to ask for what I want.
Or even better, rediscover what I actually want and ask for it.”

If this describes you, you’re not alone…

Assertiveness, emotional intelligence, and inner leadership are probably not something you grew up with.

Most men have learned from an early age that their needs and desires aren’t valid, that expressing emotions is not manly (“Boys don’t cry!”), and that being assertive is considered aggressive.

You may have internalized these rotten messages deep into your mind.

As a result, you’ve developed behaviors that sounded like a good idea during childhood but get you nowhere in adulthood.


Behaviors like…

  • Pleasing people to get their love and approval while overriding your own needs.
  • Avoiding conflict and bottling up your anger until you explode in tantrums.
  • Taking care of others and fixing their problems to finally feel worthy.
  • Rebelling against your father by being his exact opposite (even if it’s not true to your core).

I could go on…


Because the ways in which we (unconsciously) self-sabotage are endless.

Problem is, these “Mr. Nice Guy” patterns are so deeply conditioned into the subconscious mind, that they sit in the cells of your body.

The only way to overcome these–so you can actually change your behavior (and experience a new reality)–is to go deep into those old feelings and core wounds.

Even if you’re uncomfortable talking about your feelings (let’s face it, most men are uncomfortable with feelings)...

It’s never too late to get new imprints of healthy masculinity.

I know this because I’ve been there.


When our son was around 3 years old, my wife and I stopped having sex.

Over time, I grew slightly allergic to anything she’d say. I felt resentful toward her for not anticipating my needs, especially in bed. But the truth is, I never told her! How was she supposed to know what I wanted if I didn’t ask? It wasn’t until I started my tantric journey and released my old patterns that we could meet again as lovers (rather than siblings).

You know what happens when you release your old patterns?


Life starts to work out in mysterious ways.    

ManKracht Coaching - Life starts to work out in mysterious ways.

When life works out, it’s because you…

  • Know what drives you and have no problem asserting yourself.
  • Step into leadership with your woman, your children, and your colleagues.
  • Provide and serve because you want to, not from pleasing or over-compromising.
  • Feel connected to your life’s purpose and unapologetically pursue it.
  • Experience deeper meaning from connection to something larger than yourself.

Being a strong role model by showing up as your best self every day, intuitively and fearlessly, is not just for the Indiana Jones of this world.


It’s available to YOU, RIGHT NOW.

Because there’s nothing more rewarding than hearing “You rock!” from your brothers or son.

Even if you don’t have kids… Being a role model–a leader who walks in integrity and truth–is incredibly powerful.

Other men (and women) feel elevated by you, look up to you, and want to be around you because your presence inspires something great in them.

Do you want to be that kind of guy?

Join Me for the MANKRACHT
Private Coaching Immersion

A proven path to stepping into your leadership by overcoming debilitating “Mr. Nice Guy” tendencies(withou t becoming a selfish macho-jerk)


The MANKRACHT's Private Coaching Immersion

is a combination of Tantric men’s work, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and the No More Mr. Nice Guy approach to stepping into your full masculine power. Get the right guidance from a man who’s walked a spiritual path for over 23 years.

Live in Harderwijk (The Netherlands) or via Zoom.

Get started now by chatting with me about your goals.

   Get me on a call with Hajee!

Don’t wait–I only work with max 6 men at a time.

Hajee walks his truth. The word compromise does not exist in his dictionary. This is how he provides a safe space for the mysterious connection that happens when men start sharing from their true hearts.

Anonymous, R&D Innovator, Netherlands


Things we can address in private coaching:
Are you grappling with any of the following?


  • Are a people pleaser who’s secretly resentful.
  • Have difficulties determining your true needs.
  • Don't feel the connection to your life purpose.
  • Lack focus and are easily distracted.
  • Feel insecure about yourself and try to pretend.
  • Are depressed and feel alone a lot.
  • Lose yourself in intimate relationships.
  • Worry about everything, all the time.
  • Carry a negative self-image.
  • Get uncomfortable in groups of other men.
  • Can’t live up to your own expectations.
  • Are unclear about your role in life.
  • Compromise and settle for less.
  • Think you’re dramatic for expressing your feelings.
  • Have anger issues you can't control.
  • Struggle to relax and get enough alone time.

I’m here to support you.

If any or all of these are true for you, you might be a good fit for the Mankracht Coaching Immersion.

Want to know for sure?

Book a free 30-minute consultation to find out.

   Get me on a call with Hajee!

Don’t wait–I only work with max 6 men at a time.

I cannot recommend Hajee highly enough!
My coaching process with Hajee gave me a lot of clarity on what is really important for me in my life and how I wish to show myself in the world. Hajee was instrumental in challenging me when it was needed, specially on my tendency of allowing important matters such as relationships to flow without taking the lead. Thanks to the coaching I was able to embrace important decisions in life, like to have or not have a child, as a life decision I make on my own, connected to my values and not something guided by what others expect from me. I definitely recommend this coaching process for any recovering "nice guy" out there who is looking to take ownership over his own life..

-Fernando Russo, Impact Investor, Brazil


Choose between different options:

Whatever you need, we'll make it happen.
I’m here to make things easy for you.
Come to my office in Harderwijk, or meet me on Zoom.

Here’s how your options break down…

(All prices are listed in Euros and include VAT.)

  Single session Bundle 6 sessions
Real Life 160 (75 min) 950
Online 130 (60 min) 775

I also offer a monthly coaching subscription program.
It includes two (2) 60-minute online sessions per month and unlimited voice message support through Telegram. (I aim to respond within 48 hours.)
Your investment: EUR 265,- per month.

Payment plans are available. You can even pay me in Bitcoin.


In case we haven’t met yet…


Ey, I’m Hajee!

I’m the founder of Mankracht, a personal development company that has been supporting men in stepping into their fullest potential since 2015.

A former space engineer, I’m a trained Acceptance and Commitment Therapist, certified No More Mr. Nice Guy Coach, and co-teacher in The New Tantra.

I first came across men’s work in 2013. Since then, this path has radically changed my life. So far, this path has helped me navigate a major marriage crisis, become more confident, and find my calling.

Owen Cox, podcast host and digital culture theorist, described me as bringing a fierce, fiery, tantric drum and bass raver energy to the table. When I’m not playing with my son or dating my wife, you can find me kickboxing at the gym, meditating at a Zen Do, or DJing for my friends.

Hajee’s coaching is to the point, no bullshit, and designed to give you what you need.
Working with Hajee was an absolute pleasure. He manages to stay human and professional at the same time, which is for me his biggest strength. He lives what he preaches and makes it clear in his way of approaching each session. Knowing a bit about his past and seeing where he is now, inspires me to keep developing myself. My biggest take away was realizing my victimism patterns, something he pointed out in an incredibly caring and professional way.

-Sergio Molino Aguado, R&D scientist, Maastricht, Netherlands


It’s time to become the inspiring role model you wish you had growing up.

Because you’re NOT just doing this for yourself alone.

When you show up for yourself, you’re also stepping up for other men–fathers, brothers, and sons of generations past and future–, and with this, humanity as a whole.

Are you ready to say “Yes!”?

Apply today.

  Yeah, I’m so ready to become the best man I can be!

Don’t wait–I only work with max 6 men at a time.

Got questions?
Contact us to get them answered.